Guides, comprehensively coordinates, supervises and assessesthecity’s general administrative law enforcement, studies and formulatesthecity’s management systems and regulations on general administrative law enforcement; undertakes the standard formulation, organization and coordination, discipline and law enforcement, supervision and assessment of general administrative law enforcement in the central urban area,conducts law enforcement on cross-regional, major and complicated legal and disciplinary violation cases; performs the following duties in the urbancentralarea:
1.Exercisesthefullpowerofalladministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisions in housing and urban-ruraldevelopmentmanagement;
2.Exercisesthepowerofadministrativepenalties against noise pollution from social life, noise pollution from building construction, dust pollution from building construction, oil fume pollution of the food service industry, pollution from outdoor barbecues, smoke and odor pollution from municipal incineration of asphalt and plastic waste, smoke pollution from burning straws and leaves in the open air, and pollution from setting off fireworks and firecrackers in environmentalprotectionmanagement.
3.Exercisesthepowerofadministrativepenalties against unlicensed operation in outdoor public venues, illegal outdoor advertising, unlicensed operation of food sales and food stalls in outdoor public venues, , and illegal recovery and sale of medicines in market and quality supervisionandmanagement.
4.Exercisesthepowerofadministrativepenalties against encroachment on urban roads and illegally parked vehicles in public security andtrafficmanagement.
5.Exercisesthepartialpowerofadministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisions inwaterconservancy.
6.Exercisesthepartialpowerofadministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisions in civilairdefense.
7.Exercisesthepartialpowerofadministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisionsinagriculture.
8.Exercisesthepartialpowerofadministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisions in culture, broadcasting and TV, pressandpublication.
9.Exercisesthepartialpowerofadministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisions inciviladministration.
10.Exercisesthepartialpowerofadministrativepenalties regarding laws, regulations, rules and provisionsintourism.
11. Implements compulsory administrative measures in relation to the power of administrative penalties within the given scope of laws, regulations, rules and provisionsuponapproval.
For the above-mentioned responsibilities of general administrative law enforcement to be classified as matters in relationtopowerofadministrativepenalties, the law enforcement department, competent department and organization establishment department will entered into a handover agreement specifying the law enforcement basis, specification and conditions, and legal responsibilities of such matters in the principle of immediate handover when ready and one agreement for one matter, and hand over such matters to the Municipal Bureau of General Administrative LawEnforcement.
(II) Responsibilities ofUrbanManagement
1. Implements the national and provincial laws, regulations, rules, systems, principles and policies in urban management, organizes the formulation of local regulations and administrative rules in urban management, prepares medium- and long-term programs, specialized programs and annual plans for the development ofurbanmanagement.
2. Undertakes the standard formulation, organization and coordination, discipline and law enforcement, supervision and assessment ofthecity’s urban sanitation, appearance, landscaping and municipalpublicworks.
3. Undertakesthecity’s industry management of urban sanitation; studies and formulatesthecity’s urban sanitation work standards; takes charge ofthecity’s urban-rural integration of household waste classification and disposal; prepares the urban sanitation specialized programs and annual implementation plans in the central urban area; takes charge of the cleaning, classification, collection, compression and transportation of household waste and construction waste, and their reduction, recycling and bio-safe disposal; supervises and manages the sanitation facilities in the urban central area; formulates and supervises the implementation of approval administrative regulations on construction waste collection, absorption, utilization, disposalandtransportation.
4. Undertakesthecity’s industry management of urban appearance; formulatesthecity’s urban appearance administrative standards; prepares the specialized programs and annual implementation plans for outdoor advertising facilities, parking facilities, car-washing facilities, and temporary stall setup in the central urbanarea.
5. Undertakesthecity’s industry management of urban landscaping; maintains and managesthecity’s urban landscaping and its facilities, guidesthecity’s voluntary tree planting and courtyard greening of units; prepares the specialized programs and annual implementation plans for urban landscaping in the central urban area; supervises and manages the urban roads, squares, parks and other park green spaces, production green spaces, protective green spaces, affiliated green spaces and other green spaces in the central urban area; reviews and supervises the affiliated landscaping projects ofconstructionprojects.
6. Undertakesthecity’s industry management of municipal public utilities and public facilities; conducts maintenance management onthecity’s municipal public utilities and public facilities; prepares the specialized programs and annual implementation plans for municipal public facilities in the central urban area; takes charge of the maintenance, operation and management of municipal facilities like urban roads, drainage and pollution discharge facilities, bridges and culverts, nightscape lighting facilities in the central urban area; supervises and manages the parking lots and car-washing stations in the centralurbanarea.
7. Undertakesthecity’s industry management of water supply and urban gas; supervises and guides the water supply operation and management of respective counties and county-level cities, carries out urban water conservation work; takes charge of the planning, maintenance, management and supervision of water supply and its facilities in the central urban area, manages the technical inspection, engineering design and completion acceptance inspection of secondary water supply in the central urban area; prepares the specialized programs and annual plans for urban gas (including natural gas and LPG) in the central urban area; supervises and manages the gas facilities in the centralurbanarea.
8. Supervises and manages the safe production work inthecity’s urbanmanagementsystem.
9. Takes charge of the license approval and project completion acceptance inspection of twelve urban management matters involving urban appearance and sanitation, landscaping and municipal public utilities in the centralurbanarea.
10. Guidesthecity’s collection and management of waste disposal fee, sewage treatment fee and parking fee; collects and manages waste disposal fee, sewage treatment fee and parking fee in the centralurbanarea.
11. Prepares and submits for approvalthecity’s utilization plans for urban maintenance project funds and other specialized funds, levies administrative and institutional fees in relation to urban management as required, guides and supervises the use of specialized fees; puts forward annual plans for urban maintenance fees in urban management in the central urban area, sets up and settles accounts according to the laws, regulations and rules; undertakes the transfer of funds of subordinate units, system audit andstatisticalwork.
12. Manages the state-owned assets of enterprises and public institutions within the bureau system as entrusted by the State-owned Assets Supervision andAdministrationCommission.
13. Guidesthecity’s IT application in general administrative law enforcement and urban management; guides the preparation ofthecity’s implementation programs and annual plans for digital urban management, guides the construction, operation and management ofthecity’s digital urban management projects; undertakes the construction and operation of digital urban management platforms in the central urban area; undertakes the work of general administrative law enforcement and digital urban management platforms in the centralurbanarea.
14. Guidesthecity’s emergency response to major urban management events, coordinates the major cross-regional urbanmanagementissues.
15. Undertakes the day-to-day work of the Municipal Urban Management Commission, and other work assigned by theMunicipalGovernment.